Since 1989 painter tools as (paint brushes, sweep-brush,) we deal with these productions as a family undertaking.
We are supplying small trade and wholesale traders for who the customers, specialists' maximum satisfaction and the qualitative stock are primary viewpoint.
The distinguished quality the 90% top category pork hair and the manual implementation insure it. We aim for the keeping of the proportion of the manual and mechanical implementation beside the clientele growing steadily, guaranteeing the qualitative standard of our products with this.
The experienced domestic workforce's expertise is the basis of our production processes, with which we serve our customers' claims with a quality which can be entrusted since years. For us important the Hungarian workforce's application, we consider keeping the domestic industry alive.
We would like to strengthen in a time on the European market with this truth our participation, providing a wider reputation to our products.
We hope you are soon between our customers we may welcome it!
Contact us: +3670/561-9980
Email: mezopikturagmail [dot] com